伶歌1—原创戏曲风格歌曲 The Song of Songs _ LP 瑞鸣音乐出品 Rhymoi Music 弦意三弄将进酒 长啸一声朝天阙 伶歌,极富创意的音乐形式,空谷足音的跨界美学。世代传诵的诗文名篇谱成铮铮新曲,脍炙人口的民乐典藏首次因平仄动人的新词而老树新花,而古意交融世界音乐理念的重头原创曲目更有横空出世的惊艳之感。 本专辑十首曲目,放眼瞰去各篇题名俱是中国古典文化中流传千古、声势赫赫的殿堂尚品, 既为伶歌,歌与乐当是珠联璧合。此次专辑录制邀动的戏曲名家及器乐国手的阵容可谓相当惊人。张强的琵琶拂动历史,戴亚的笛箫洞穿时空,赵家珍携千年古琴雅意绝伦,常静将一副筝拨出了万古情愁,爱乐与国交两大中国顶级交响乐团的数十位艺术家更是意出精深。 非物资文化遗产京剧传承人关栋天、京剧老生泰斗于魁智这两位当今京剧界声名最隆的“南关北于”首次携手献声堪称盛事,更有名净孟广禄一声裂石惊霄汉、程派著名青衣刘桂娟绕指柔克百炼钢,以及当今京韵大鼓名家冯欣蕊和被誉为“百年难遇”的京剧神童小陶阳倾情献唱。 The musical form here is called Ling Ge, Chinese orchestral lieder with inspirations from Chinese folk songs. The most original way of musical expression. Associated with each section of the piece are a number of poetic lines that are assisting the performer and listener to visualize the plum imagery in its natural setting. All the ten pieces are composed and rearranged from the classical tunes in traditional Chinese music and opera. The virtuoso Xiqu composer Meng Qinghua dedicated himself into the production. With his original arrangement like Invitation to Wine, we will have a unique musical journey. For example, In Invitation to Wine , the traditional pronunciation in Beijing Opera is slightly changed to integrate the aesthetic approach of both the past and present to present the feelings and emotions that never change. 将进酒Invitation to Wine 古筝轮拂弦乐奔涌, 韵白似醉似狂,半歌半啸。 丑末寅初Wee Hours of the Morning 字正腔圆的京韵大鼓在京胡和中阮的衬托下趣味盎然。 江河水Rolling River 老生泰斗韵味独具的京剧声线,与大提琴和箫水乳交融。 梅花三弄Three Variations on Plum Blossom 西洋弦乐与千年古琴背景上,程派幽咽声线疏影横斜。 悯农Toiling Farmers 木琴趣致衬托下,京剧小神童的声线稚嫩而底蕴十足。 苏武牧羊Su Wu Herding Sheep 名净沧桑低吟与青衣婉转吐诉,刻画出深沉的宽广乐境。 小放牛The Corydon 婉转悠扬的戏曲小调由清灵童声唱来,别有一番动情。 渔舟唱晚Notturno in the Fisherboat 筝弦拨弄涟漪,小打轻敲暮色,婉转声线梦眼观花。 关山月The Moon Over the Guanshan Mountain 舒展的大提琴和宽广的弦乐,哀而不伤,中正和平。 满江红The Whole River Red 大锣大鼓,弦乐似海, 吟唱出壮怀激烈的精忠报国。 瑞鸣音乐出品 Rhymoi Music Payments : PayPal We will be happy to combine multiple items into one shipment. If you have any problem, please contact us. Thank you!